I know it is been a while since I last wrote and you guys are probably terribly worried by now. I hope I haven't driven you to insanity with the anxiety I have caused you. If I have, then my sincerest apologies belong to you.
Okay! So, quite a bit, but yet not too much, has been happening here in the past week. I know you probably want to hear about Mom and what the plan is for her, so I will start with that.
There is no plan.
Okay! So, now that I have alleviated your anxiety on that subject, I will move on. I had FCATs yesterday.
The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test® (FCAT) is part of Florida’s overall plan to increase student achievement by implementing higher standards. The FCAT, administered to students in Grades 3-11, consists of criterion-referenced tests(CRT) in mathematics, reading, science, and writing, which measure student progress toward meeting the Sunshine State Standards (SSS) benchmarks.
I did the Reading and Mathematics test, I still have 1 session left for the Math but I will do it on Monday. Monday! Monday the 15th! That is the day that I find out the verdict apropos (apropos = concerning) my PIBS application.
Okay, I will tell you a bit more about Mom because I'm very intuitive and I'm sensing that you aren't satisfied with what I have told you. There really is no plan, I don't know why. There was a plan, but her doctor's office called yesterday (twice during my FCAT) and left a message for Mom to call them back ASAP (As Soon As Possible). By the time Mom got the message, it was the weekend and nobody was at the office. The plans are off for now, and the metastasized ovarian cancer is going to have to wait.

Back to my week. Mom and I made a new recipe on Tuesday! The same day, I watched my Dad shave a pineapple. So, now I know how. I learn well by watching, and I literally got a chair, sat and watched him. Since then, I have eaten all of the teaching pineapple and there is a new 'victim pineapple' waiting for me to lacerate it.
The new food that Mom and I made is pictured below. I only remembered to take a picture after I had taken a small bite, so that is the piece that is missing. It was chicken on top of yellow rice. Mom browned some chicken legs and thighs first. Then, we diced a red pepper, a green pepper, and an onion, sautéed it and mixed it with the yellow rice I had cooked on the stove top. We put the rice in a glass 9" by 13" pan and then put the chicken on top and then baked it. I sprinkled some pepper and parsley on the top of the chicken before sending it in the oven, so it would be prettier. It was really good.

Thursday I thought was a pretty exciting day because it rained all day and the whole county was experiencing very large puddles. I went with to get Brother that day and took some pictures. This is a picture of the river that was on the highway to the school.
When we got to the school, we found out that nobody was being let out because there was a "Tornado Warning" going on.
When the cops first came out with the megaphone, he said that they should be lifting the warning soon and the kids would be out. He came out a couple minutes later saying that the students would be allowed out at 3. So, we had to wait for about 20 minutes.
I hope you liked all my pictures. The ground has already soaked up all that water, and since then, it has rained again. The earth is loving it and so are the wildlife. Many plants are already bright green, and yesterday the frogs were singing very loudly.
I'm hoping that it is going to keep getting greener here. The Young Cousin and Grannee are coming to visit at the end of the month, and it would be so nice if the grass was greener for their arrival. I'll write more about that later though, the Young Cousin is really something else.
I hope you have a great weekend, and that your grass is nice and green,
Miss E.
Yum I am hungry! That dish looks exactly like how they make it at one of my favorite restaurants (Columbia)...without the bite taken out of it of course. Monday will be a busy day for you and #1 Fan. We hope your your PIBS news is great and that #1 Fan gets a plan. We will see you on Tuesday!